Training timeThis is an estimate of the time it will take to complete themost relevant course associated with this occupation. It’s based on the amountof time taken to complete this course and doesn’t take into account personalcircumstances or barriers.This data is sourced from the training providers.
For moredetailed information, contact the training provider for the course you’reinterested in. Average payAverage pay is based on the average annual taxable income for people working in this occupation in Australia. Income tends to increase with the amount of time spent in a field. These figures are intended as a guide only, rather than a prediction of future earnings.Annual taxable income data has been sourced from Taxation Statistics 2014-15 published by the Australian Taxation Office. Employment prospectsThis is an indication of the level of demand for workers ina particular field.
If demand is strong, there’s a higher chance of employmentafter completing training, meaning your employment prospects for thisoccupation are strong. If demand is low, the likelihood of employment after trainingwill be lower, and your employment prospects will be poor.Employment forecast figures are sourced from Deloitte AccessEconomics (2015) Victorian employment projections for 2016 to 2031. Employment sizeThis number tells you how many people are currently working in this field. The numbers in this section reflect the total amount of workers in this occupation in Victoria.