Origin of the Technology The discovery of the principle of the Light-Life Ring in the winter of 1991 involved a synchronistic coming together of five researchers in the area of subtle energy. These researchers also were specialized in a very wide range of highly technical science areas, and two of them were clairvoyants and psychics who were well known in the Denver area. The discovery event was followed by three years of intense research. Besides physics, quantum physics, chemistry, magnetics, and mathematical constants, the research involved a wide variety of lesser-known scientific disciplines, including sacred geometry, world grid harmonics, and geodetic measurement.
It also entailed nonstop, hands-on, real-life experiments and observations. All of this eventually resulted in the Grand Experiment, which, on March 18, 1994, eliminated the 'brown cloud' in Denver. In this experiment, audio frequencies were broadcast throughout the Denver area through what we call a Harmonizer (see picture at left). Public agencies in Denver were not notified of this experiment. In subsequent experiments, some of them in cooperation with civic agencies, all reports showed a net decline in monitored pollutants after the Harmonizer and audio frequency program was started. The decline continued as long as the Harmonizer field was active and was being maintained by our associates.
A Global Vision With that first success, the vision was born to eliminate air pollution globally, one city at a time. Since then, successful tests have been conducted in several major cities in the United States, Egypt, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Canada, Brazil, Israel, South Africa, and Venezuela. Today, pollution levels remain low in those cities where a strong network of a dozen or so private citizens continue to operate their own Harmonizers. The cost/benefit ratio is enormous. The public service/environmental benefit is incalculable. It now seems to be a real probability that an array of some 700 properly spaced units, provided with solar, battery backup, and conventional 110-V residential power sources utilizing a compact, computer-chip-driven frequency generator (already designed) could, in only 30 days, drastically reduce the entire global pollution load of the entire atmosphere as it circulates naturally through a North-South line.